Blue-Violet Iris Interior

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Case in Point

This is why I love macro photography:

The other day I was taking pictures of the various polished rocks I collected as a kid and in one of the groupings I included a murky reddish little flake of stone that looks like this:

Abbey can be seen in the background overseeing my activities.
When photographed with my powerful new macro lens, however, an unexpectedly complex beauty emerged. That's the same stone at the top right.

The amount of detail is incredible!
I was totally blown away. You can only see the faintest suggestion of the agate's patterns with the naked eye. After seeing the photographs, I had to dig through my box of rocks to find it again, which wasn't easy. It's hard to believe how small it really is! I'd like to find a slightly larger piece of the same kind of stone so I could make it the sole subject of a photograph (it's a trifle on the small side even for my camera unless you start compromising on quality), but it's too hard to tell on the internet if the pieces available have this kind of minute patterning or not. But what a wonderful surprise! I just love discovering something is far more beautiful and complex when viewed up close than you would ever imagine otherwise!

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